When buying a product or service, very few people base their decision totally on low price without considering other pertinent facts. Would you buy a pair of shoes that will fall apart in a few weeks, just because they have a very cheap price? Would you use an auto mechanic who uses defective parts or unskilled labor to work on your car, just because of a low price? The answer to both of those is likely no. Just like no two shoes or car mechanics are the same, nor are all janitorial companies. Value in janitorial services is giving the best results for the best price. The difficulty many times in evaluating Houston janitorial service quotes is to discern what you will actually be getting when you sign up.
A list of janitorial service cleaning specifications is certainly necessary in making your evaluation of a proposal. But how do you know what you are actually comparing from a generic list of cleaning requirements from different vendors? Most Houston janitorial service companies will offer the same product, but how do you know they will follow through on that offer once they are hired? The key to making your selection of a janitorial services contractor is to examine the integrity, experience, and commitment of the company.
Integrity – It is essential to deal with a Houston janitorial service company that is trustworthy, friendly, and honest. Do they have sound business practices such as following employment laws by paying social security taxes on employees? Do they have references that will verify the company’s ability to follow through on their word and keep commitments? Do they have plenty of insurance coverage and workman’s compensation coverage with a reputable carrier? Don’t just take their insurance certificate at face value. Call their insurance carrier to find out how many people are actually covered on the certificate provided to you – are all 50 employees in the company insured, or is it just the husband and wife owners that are covered? Janitorial service companies have all kinds of tricks for cutting corners to save themselves money, and in over 36 years Accredited Building Services has seen plenty of other companies try them all. Make sure you aren’t starting a relationship with a Houston janitorial services company that will cut corners for their benefit and your risk, that has shaky business practices, or treats their workers unfairly.
Experience – Review how long the cleaning contractor has been in business and the janitorial services expertise of their management staff. Make sure the Houston janitorial company has a management structure that allows for on-site management of the cleaning crew. Ask for a list of clients that the company has done business with for five years or more. If they have plenty of references to give, this is a good indication that they do great work.
Commitment – How committed is the company to serving all of your facility’s needs? Can you expect timely communication and response? Do they staff a utility crew that can provide specialty cleaning such as carpet shampoos or floor waxing or emergency cleanups? Can they be your consumable supplies vendor, and will they deliver and keep stock of all supplies that your facility needs? Do they have other divisions of their business that can offer you services such as construction, maintenance, plumbing, electrical, etc?
Accredited Building Services has been in the Houston and Beaumont janitorial services business for over 36 years and has total commitment to giving you the best value at the best price. You can reach us at 281-578-2296 for a fast response to your individual needs. Don’t hesitate to call.