Why hire a Houston janitorial services company for your industrial facility? Whether you run a manufacturing facility, petrochemical plant, or another type of business, maintaining a clean environment can help your facility and your crew work better and safer. There are many benefits to working with professional Houston commercial cleaning staff for your facility. Even if your personnel are responsible for cleaning their own workstations at the end of the night, an industrial cleaning crew offers specialized, deep cleaning that only comes with comprehensive training and real-world experience. With the right cleaning professionals on your side, you can improve your facility in many ways.
Your Houston Janitorial Services Company Helps Improve Industrial Safety
One of the main benefits of hiring a Houston janitorial services company for your industrial cleaning needs is that we can help enhance safety. Cleaning services for your industrial plant can help reduce the risk of many different kinds of accidents. For example, slips, trips, and falls. Even a thin layer of dirt and grime can make a floor slippery. Add in spills that may happen on the production floor and you have a major safety hazard for your personnel. Cleaning your industrial flooring frequently is a great way to help keep your workers safe.
Also, cluttered spaces can pose tripping hazards to your crew. Your Houston janitorial services company helps organize your facility and remove tripping hazards. For example, a forgotten empty box may not seem like a major risk, but it can easily turn into a safety issue for your crew. Instead, we remove trash and debris on your industrial surfaces to help reduce the risk of injuries.
In addition to worker safety, your Houston janitorial services company can help improve overall facility safety as well. Many facility managers don’t realize that dust isn’t just irritating, it’s actually hazardous. Even a thin layer of dust, about the width of a paper clip, can increase the risk for fires and explosions. If your facility deals with combustible dust, this risk goes up even higher. Instead, Houston commercial cleaning helps remove dust and other things that put your industrial plant at risk.
Increase Productivity By Hiring a Houston Janitorial Services Company for Your Industrial Plant
Another benefit of professional cleaning for your industrial plant is that it can help increase productivity. Your Houston janitorial services company provides a clean, organized space to help improve workflow. Rather than worry about dodging trash on the floor or not having enough room on work surfaces to perform their duties, your personnel can focus on the task at hand. In addition, hiring a cleaning crew for your facility means that your staff don’t need to take time away from their other tasks to perform cleaning activities. This often translates to more efficiency during each shift.
Also, you can’t forget about the morale boost your Houston janitorial services company can offer. Working in a dirty environment can be stressful and even depressing. However, starting your day in a clean, sanitary workplace can help improve mood. Your personnel may feel more productive when working in this type of environment because it tends to reduce stress and improve morale, which often translates to heightened productivity in any industry.
Save Money with Industrial Cleaning Services
Houston commercial cleaning services for your facility can also save you money and impact your bottom line. Every year, companies lose out on billions of dollars due to injuries and illnesses. Cleaning from your Houston janitorial services company helps remove germs and safety hazards that may lead to absenteeism and workers compensation claims. We’ve mentioned how industrial cleaning services can help reduce the risk for accidents. This translates to fewer days your personnel must take off for injuries and also may help reduce the number of workers compensation claims your staff must file. This can help lower costs for your workers comp insurance and save your company money.
Also, cleaning and disinfection services help remove many things that can make your employees sick. Bacteria, viruses, and allergens can all cause illness in your personnel. However, your Houston janitorial services company removes these threats to help prevent the spread of illness. Industrial cleaning services can help improve indoor air quality for worker health and also reduce the number of germs on surfaces that your personnel touch every day, which often results in a healthier staff and fewer sick days, which can help save your facility money.
Your Houston Janitorial Services Company Helps You Remain Compliant with Regulations
Additionally, Houston commercial cleaning can help your industrial facility’s compliance efforts. There are many different regulations that require regular cleaning for your industrial plant. Two examples include Walking-Working Surfaces Standard from the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and code 654 from the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA). OSHA has many standards and requirements that apply to your facility to help protect the health and safety of your personnel. One of these standards, the Walking-Working Surfaces Standard, requires you to keep floors and other work surfaces clean and free of debris. The NFPA 654 code addresses how to help prevent fires and dust explosions in your industrial facility. Your Houston janitorial services company helps you maintain these standards and many more in your facility.
Industrial Facility Cleaning
Industrial cleaning should address your entire facility to keep it clean and healthy. Without proper training, your current cleaning crew could be missing important areas. It’s important to check several places for cleanliness in your industrial building:
On the Production Floor
The production floor is where most activities are taking place. This means there’s a higher potential for safety issues, accidents, and damage. Your Houston commercial cleaning crew keeps this area tidy to keep people safe and productive. This is likely the area that you check most often for cleanliness, due to the sheer volume of activity that occurs here.
Out-of-Sight Areas
However, it’s also important to look in out-of-sight areas as well. For example, storage closets and hard-to-reach corners of your facility. These areas can quickly become dirty and attract dust, grime, germs, and pests. Your Houston janitorial services company must clean these areas as well to create a safe, sanitary environment in your industrial plant.
Building Exterior
Finally, you may not realize how important your building’s exterior is as well. A clean exterior helps present a professional appearance to current and potential employees and clients. Routine pressure washing can help remove grime that not only makes your building look dirty, but can also affect the longevity of the building materials. In addition, your industrial cleaning crew should remove any trash or debris around your building to help prevent pests and tripping hazards.
At Accredited Building Services, we offer advanced, affordable Houston commercial cleaning services for a wide variety of businesses. If your industrial facility needs help creating a sanitary environment, our team is here to help. We provide specialized training to our staff to ensure they can efficiently and effectively clean industrial and commercial spaces. Call us today at (281) 578-2296 to learn more and request a quote. We are here to serve you.